The LSHOF was incorporated under the Society’s Act in 1985 and is a non-profit organization with no paid employees. The Board of Directors consists of 12 members and represents a diverse spectrum of our sporting community. Please consider supporting our work honouring the dedicated local athletes, sport builders, teams and special awards people, many of whom still do a great job of motivating future generations. Over 300 inductees have been honoured since 1985.

Advertisers like you are essential for the LSHOF to continue rewarding the many people involved with sports in our community. The cost to get your ad in our program is:

$125 Business Card size ad
$250 ¼ page ad
$400 ½ page ad
$800 Full page ad
$1000 Back cover ad

The ads will be shown in our induction magazine and at our new and highly visible permanent display area, including electronic screens, in the west Lethbridge ATB Centre. The ads will also be featured on our newly designed and interactive website.
Any ads or donations $800 or more will be prominently displayed on LSHOF’s website home page www.lethbridgesportshalloffame.ca

For further information and interaction, please contact us at info@lethbridgesportshalloffame.ca